The Blacklist is an American crime thriller television series created by Jon Bokenkamp and developed by John Eisendrath. It stars James Spader as Raymond Reddington, a former US Naval Intelligence officer turned one of the Most Wanted fugitives who cooperates with the FBI in hunting down threatening criminals on a special list of his called the "Blacklist". The series also stars Megan Boone, Diego Klattenhoff, Ryan Eggold, Amir Arison, Hisham Tawfiq, and Harry Lennix. The Blacklist is produced by Sony Pictures Television, Universal Television and Davis Entertainment. John Eisendrath, John Davis and John Fox serve as executive producers for the entire run of the series; its creator Jon Bokenkamp also executive produced the series for the first 8 seasons.[1] Other executive producers include director Joe Carnahan and Spader. It was given a series order in May 2013, and ran from September 23, 2013 to July 13, 2023 on NBC. The pilot episode gathered 12.6 million viewers in the United States.[2] During its run, The Blacklist won a Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Award and was nominated for six more, as well as received nominations for two Golden Globe Awards, two Saturn Awards and two People's Choice Awards. The series spawned a tie-in media franchise, including comic series, standalone novels and a video game. A spin-off, The Blacklist: Redemption, also created and developed by Bokenkamp and Eisendrath, aired on NBC from February to April 2017. It shared the same fictional universe with the original series and was entirely focused on Ryan Eggold's character, Tom Keen.•
- Genre: American Crime Thriller Television Series
- Creator: Jon Bokenkamp
- Lead Actor: James Spader as Raymond Reddington
- Plot: A former US Naval Intelligence officer cooperates with the FBI to hunt down criminals on his "Blacklist."
- Main Cast: Megan Boone, Diego Klattenhoff, Ryan Eggold, Amir Arison, Hisham Tawfiq, and Harry Lennix.
- Production: Produced by Sony Pictures Television, Universal Television, and Davis Entertainment.
- Executive Producers: John Eisendrath, John Davis, John Fox, and Jon Bokenkamp.
- Pilot Episode: Premiered on September 23, 2013.
- Viewership: The pilot episode gathered 12.6 million viewers in the United States.
- Awards: Won a Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Award and received multiple award nominations.
Cast: James Spader Megan Boone Diego Klattenhoff Ryan Eggold Parminder Nagra Harry Lennix Amir Arison Mozhan Marnò Hisham Tawfiq Laura Sohn Anya Banerjee
Country of Origin - Assembly: US - United States
Director: Jon Bokenkamp
Format: DVD
Genre: Crime drama
Universal Product Code (UPC check): 00734915450611