Get the Flexibility You Need
No Matter What Your Budget is.

Up To $3,200 In Credit To Shop With Us
Get Prequalified for the Best Rate for You
Low Minimum Payments to Fit Your Budgets
Flexible Payment Plans - Pay Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly

    MDG Financing Now Available at Canadian Hub

    Canadian Hub is excited to announce our partnership with MDG Financing, offering you enhanced flexibility and convenience for all your shopping needs. With MDG Financing, you can now access up to $3,200 in credit, making it easier than ever to get the products you want today and manage your payments over time.

    Up to $3,200 in Credit

    Whether you’re looking to upgrade your tech, home appliances, or other essentials, MDG Financing provides up to $3,200 in credit to use at Canadian Hub. This generous credit limit helps you shop confidently and manage your finances effectively.


    Easy Prequalification Process

    Getting prequalified is simple and won’t impact your credit score. Our soft credit inquiry process ensures you receive the best rate possible without any immediate effect on your credit history. Discover your financing options quickly and start shopping with ease.

    Flexible Payment Plans

    MDG Financing offers flexible payment plans tailored to fit your schedule. Choose to pay weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly—whatever suits your financial situation best. Our low minimum payments make it possible for you to shop today and pay later without stretching your budget.

    No Long-Term Commitments

    Our financing options come with no long-term commitments, giving you the freedom to manage your payments as needed. Plus, there are no penalties for paying off your balance ahead of schedule, allowing you to take control of your financial planning.

    Credit Monitoring and Reporting

    To support your financial well-being, MDG Financing reports all payments to a national credit bureau. By making on-time payments, you have the opportunity to build a stronger credit profile. Additionally, you can track your credit score and progress through complimentary credit monitoring, helping you stay informed about your financial health.

    Financing That Works for You

    At Canadian Hub, we are committed to providing financing solutions that fit your lifestyle and budget. With MDG Financing, you get the flexibility and support you need to shop confidently and manage your payments effectively.

    Explore the benefits of MDG Financing today and enjoy a seamless shopping experience with flexible payment options. For more information, visit us at Canadian Hub and start taking advantage of these great financing opportunities.