The Goldbergs is an American period sitcom television series that ran on ABC from September 24, 2013, to May 3, 2023, lasting ten seasons and 229 episodes. The series was created by Adam F. Goldberg and stars Jeff Garlin, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Sean Giambrone, Troy Gentile, and Hayley Orrantia.[3] The show is produced by Adam F. Goldberg, Seth Gordon, and Doug Robinson.[4] It is based on Goldberg's childhood and family in the 1980s, with a childhood version of himself. On April 19, 2022, the series was renewed for a tenth season, which premiered on September 21, 2022.[5] On February 23, 2023, it was announced that the tenth season would be its final season.[6] The series finale aired on May 3, 2023. The eighth season of the American television comedy series The Goldbergs premiered with two back-to-back episodes on October 21, 2020.[1] This is the final season with George Segal, who died on March 23, 2021 The tenth and final season of the American television comedy series The Goldbergs premiered on September 21, 2022. In February 2023, it was announced that this season would be the last, and the final episode aired on May 3, 2023.The Goldbergs Season 8 & 10 (DVD) -Region 1
Studio & Production Company: Adam F. Goldberg Productions (seasons 1–8)Happy Madison ProductionsDoug Robinson Productions (seasons 5–10)Swinging Cricket Productions (season 9)Script L. Shannon, Inc. (season 9)This Episode
Title: The Goldbergs
Duration: 950 min
Actors: Wendi McLendon-Covey Sean Giambrone Troy Gentile Hayley Orrantia George Segal Jeff Garlin AJ Michalka Sam Lerner
Original Languages: English
Series Title: The Goldbergs Season 8 & 10